Saturday, May 24, 2008

dare to dream

banning liebscher of Jesus Culture said that "The people who actually do something are the ones that DO SOMETHING." most of the people in church, according to banning, are afraid of committing mistakes and making wrong decisions but he believes that GOD IS BIG ENOUGH TO HANDLE OUR BAD DECISIONS IF WE HAVE A PURE HEART AND THE DESIRE TO FOLLOW HIM. He can use and turn all those bad decisions to allow us to reach our destinies and fulfill our dreams.

so what's in that heart of yours? what's that dream that you've always wanted to do and it looks mighty impossible. adidas was unintentionally biblical when it came out with the slogan: IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.

every single one of us was born with a dream and we all have parts and roles to play in this real drama called life. shakespeare wrote "all the world's a stage" and yep, you and i have real-life, real time action to walk out. it's the greatest adventure in life: us partnering with God to see His Kingdom come and will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.

before you and i were born, the script and the story was already written. all it takes is for us to access it and download it here on earth.

you and i were born for such a time as this.

"If you want to write a book that will change the face of a nation, start a blog. It doesn't matter if nobody comes to you or it's just your mother who reads your blog, JUST START SOMETHING!" - banning liebscher, the people who do something do something, mp3 file, - media resources

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