Psalm 144:1-2 - Praise the Lord, my Rock, who trains me for war, who trains me for battle. He protects me like a strong, walled city, and he loves me. He is my defender and my Savior, my shield and my protection.
God can actually use every negative thing for His glory if we just give them all to Him. God "walked me through" biblical history and showed me how Sarah laughed when she heard that she was going to have a son, how Abraham lied because he was afraid for his and Sarah's safety, how David messed up with Bathsheba and how Peter denied the very Lord he loved BUT God still used them. God knew beforehand that these people were imperfect and would mess up but still His promises remained. He did not change His mind. hahahaha! so think about that...He is a faithful God and His love never ever changes. oh God, how amazing and how awesome You are and Your love! He is never boring because you can never second guess Him!
Rick Joyner in The Army of God Mobilizes, Part 19
Just as the Lord Jesus called the common people as His leaders and workers, He still does the same every time He moves anew. He would rather have those with a right heart than those who are just trained professionals. Because He chooses His leaders, they are almost all going to be on a long learning curve. They can be used to do awesome things, and then follow them with some stupid things, just as we see throughout the Gospels and the Book of Acts. The Lord never seems to be embarrassed by the mistakes of His people, and no mistake is beyond His ability to fix. One thing He obviously loves is real life and real people.
I have now watched a substantial number of people grow into significant and powerful ministries, and in almost every case the ones who grew the fastest and went the farthest were those who started with some of the biggest mistakes. I think this is why the Lord gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter. He did make some of the biggest mistakes, but he also had some of the greatest accomplishments. This trend seems to follow in church history.
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