Thursday, May 15, 2008

get up and live it out!

Get up, cry out in the night, even as the night begins.
Pour out your heart like water in prayer to the Lord.
Lift up your hands in prayer to him for the life of your children
who are fainting with hunger on every street corner.
Lamentations 2:19 (New Century Version)

while reading another passage in lamentations, the Lord turned my attention to this verse and it seemed as if leaped out of the page and spoke to me. here is one answered prayer! reading the articles written by the guys at Jesus Culture and by Bill Johnson created an impartation in the spirit about being sensitive to Kingdom realities and how it has to invade our reality. for a time now i've been wondering (not really directly asking the Lord) and somehow asking Him though not violently for solutions to poverty and hunger not only in the philippines but for the nations especially after reading jeffrey sachs' "the end of poverty".

finishing the book left me with a burning desire to come across a work by a child of God who has accessed the throne room of God for His blueprints and solutions to world hunger and poverty. bill johnson said that the world system's solutions to world's problems are only temporal and that there is a greater solution to that that can be accessed from a higher reality: the spiritual realm.

more of God in my life and more of Him in my generation especially in my nation's government! today has been quite an "impossible" day, so to speak. the articles in the Jesus Culture website and in bill johnson's gives the reader a hunger to experience what they've been seeing and doing. what is impossible to the human mind is actually possible to God. with Him, the word impossible is nothing. Lord, if You can do it there, why not here in the philippines as You have already promised to do? i don't want to just read about it. i want to live it and see it!

yesterday, God said that there was going to be an acceleration in the spirit in my personal life and i thought that He meant months instead of years. what i didn't quite expect was for it to happen in days' time rather than months. it is amazing to see the Word of God literally come into reality just like the Word was made flesh in the past. ephesians 3:20 is one example of that becoming real. "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us."

may the eyes of our hearts be opened to see what's up there and what the Father is doing just like what Jesus did when He walked on earth. in God's Kingdom, miracles, signs and wonders are daily realities...let that happen here in the Philippines as it is in heaven just like You instructed us to pray.

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