Saturday, May 24, 2008

gift and character :-) [note to self]

gifts are irrevocable and they come with you when you were born but character is forged in the fiery trials of life, discipline and focus on the task at hand. God is not looking for superstars to change the world but faithful men and women of the Kingdom who are humble, obedient, disciplined and have laid down their lives for Him. so help me God.

Rick Joyner in The Army of God Mobilizes, Part 21
I, too, have learned over and over that those with the discipline and focus to work hard will quickly pass those who may have much greater talent but do not have the discipline or focus to work hard. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods have obvious talents, but what really separates them from the rest is that they also have a discipline and work ethic. Michael Jordan refused to let anyone get to practice before him or leave after him. Teammates and coaches asserted that he practiced with more zeal than most played the games with.

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