Thursday, May 15, 2008

habakkuk 2:2-3

reading through the articles in Jesus Culture brought me to a divinely appointed one: Kris Valloton's Power of a Vision. he writes that it is important for God's children to know their God-given vision, write them down (habakkuk 2), set goals, and let their steps follow that plan of action. one particular thing struck me in what he wrote - "vision gives pain perspective." it is vision that will enable us to make the sacrifices and the "going-through" bearable and makes us hold on. he writes at the end that we must ask ourselves at the end of the day if our steps have followed the plan for our vision to come to pass or do two things: rethink that plan or re-direct our steps.

God told me, i think, two weeks ago, about asking myself if the day-to-day decisions, choices, words, actions and people i have done and met have made me one step closer to my destiny because if they aren't then they are just what we would call distractions and time-wasters and must be discarded. commitment means having a knife [or perhaps an ax] to cut away all those fat we don't really need for our walk with Jesus and fulfilling His purpose in our generation.

lou engle once said: "Find out what God is doing in your generation and put your whole life into it."

there just seems to be a lot of realignment and puzzle-piece-fitting these days and shaking and sifting going on these days for them to be random coincidences. God is on the move and i wanna ride that wave with Him.

habakkuk 2:2-3 - "The Lord answered me: Write down the vision; write it clearly on clay tablets so whoever reads it can run to tell others. v.3 It is not yet time for the message to come true, but that time is coming soon; the message will come true. It may seem like a long time, but be patient and wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not be delayed."

JESUS. righteousness and justice. social change.
poverty reduction or the end of poverty.

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